Atomic Wallet Hack Losses top $35M, Reason still Unknown

$35 million worth of cryptocurrency assets has been stolen from Atomic Wallet users since June 2, according to an analysis conducted by on-chain investigator ZachXBT. The five largest losses account for $17 million.

There has been little information provided by Atomic Wallet to users so far. “Support team is collecting victim addresses. Reached out to major exchanges and blockchain analytics companies to trace and block the stolen funds," Atomic’s team said in a update tweet on June 4.

Atomic Wallet is a noncustodial-decentralized wallet, which means that users are responsible for the assets stored in the application. As per their Terms of Service, the company does not accept any liability for damages caused to users' assets on the blockchain. In fact, one excerpt from the terms states, " “Under no circumstances will Atomic Wallet be liable to you for damages arising out of the services exceeding $50."


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