BNB Beacon Chain Testnet to Have Hard Fork Upgrade on January 2nd and 12th, to Introduce New Staking Mechanism

BNB Chain (@BNBCHAIN) announced that the Beacon Chain testnet will have a scheduled hard fork upgrade at block height 34,587,202 and 34,963,303. The upgrade, which is named Einstein, is forecasted to occur on January 2nd at 3:00 UTC and January 12th at 3:00 UTC.

The full node runners on testnet must switch their software version to v0.10.4 by January 2nd.

The upgrade will introduce a permissionless validator election mechanism and bring the staking economy onto Beacon Chain. Anyone can stake their $BNB to become a validator candidate or delegate their $BNB to the validator candidates they trust. In BNB Beacon Chain's current staking mechanism, the staked $BNB are all from validators themselves.
