Camelot Selling $GRAIL Through Bond at a 10% Discount, and xGRAIL at 30% Discount

Camelot, the hottest DEX on Arbitrum, is now selling token bonds. This will be achieved through their partnership with Bond Protocol, which will allow for two bond offerings for both $GRAIL and xGRAIL tokens. These offerings will provide users with the opportunity to purchase tokens at a discounted price, with values dynamically calculated using Bond Protocol's novel technology.

The GRAIL and xGRAIL tokens will be coming from Camelot's development fund, which has allocated 2.5% of the total supply to fund the expansion and scaling of the team.

As of writing, $GRAIL bond is selling at 10% discount and xGRAIL is selling at 39% discount. But the price fluctuates and some time may even sell at a premium.

Bond Protocol platform that enables the creation and trading of tokenized bonds. The platform uses a unique algorithm to dynamically calculate the price of bonds, based on various factors such as supply and demand, market volatility, and liquidity.