MetaMask has announced new features to enhance user privacy and control, according to a blog post by the developer on March 14. Previously, MetaMask had faced criticism for intruding on users' privacy by using its Infura RPC node to connect to Ethereum automatically when users first set up their wallet. This resulted in users' public addresses being transmitted to Infura before they had a chance to change their node, according to a report from Ethereum node operator Chase Wright.
Under the new version of MetaMask extension, users are prompted with an "advanced configuration" option during setup that allows them to choose a different RPC node than the default Infura one. The dialogue box also allows users to turn off incoming transactions, phishing detection, and enhanced token detection if they are concerned about privacy.
The new mobile version of MetaMask also includes privacy enhancements, allowing users to connect one account to a Web3 app while leaving another account disconnected. The app previously only allowed users to connect all accounts or none at all.
MetaMask stated that the new features align with its core values of preserving user privacy and that it is committed to protecting its users' privacy. The app faced criticism in November 2022 when it released a privacy policy stating that it would collect IP addresses from users.
ConsenSys, MetaMask's parent company, responded to the criticism, stating that RPC nodes have always collected IP addresses, and that the substance of the privacy policy was not new, though the language used in it had changed. ConsenSys announced in December 2022 that IP addresses collected through Infura would no longer be stored for more than seven days.
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