Mirror Launch Subscribe to Mint

Web3 content platform Mirror has announced the launch of Subscribe to Mint to facilitate interaction between creators and collectors. In order to mint, a collector needs to subscribe to a creator’s Mirror publication with their email. 

The new feature will have two potential use cases. 

  1. Genesis Drop: Web3 projects can pair their launch announcements with a collectible NFT series featuring the projects' logo or mascot, and then use "Subscribe to Mint" to interact with project users through content updates and subsequent NFT drops. 
  2. Collectable NFT Series: NFT Drop will attract more new users to sign up as subscribers. 

Starting now, Subscribe to Mint will be in community beta over the next two weeks, and only accessible to Mirror Genesis NFT holders. In addition, the feature is completely free to use for creators. If creators set a price for their NFT, they receive 100% of the proceeds. The "Subscribe to Mint" NFTs are currently available to deploy on Ethereum, Optimism, and Polygon.


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