Web3 Project RACA Secures $16 Million in Investment from DWF Labs, $RACA Up 18.29% in Last 24 Hours

Web3 project RACA (Radio Caca) has received a $16 million investment from DWF Labs, including the purchase of an unspecified amount of $RACA tokens. The funds raised will help RACA continue to achieve its goals for the Web3 gaming ecosystem.

Founded in 2021 as the manager of the NFT from Elon Musk's mother Maye Musk, RACA has launched a R3 game infrastructure, SimCity-esque sandbox game USM.WORLD, social party game Looki Looki Jazzi, cross-game DID wallet JAZ, and a NFT marketplace.

According to TokenInsight data, $RACA went up by 18.29% in the last 24 hours, trading at $0.00023186 now.
